Here are a number of crossword puzzles that can help you to practice the skill of naming feelings (emotions) and underlying needs. While you are searching words to describe feelings you get a better "emotional vocabulary", you have more words to use when you talk about your emotions and you have more words to use when you ask another person what they are feeling.
Please first read the text References and workshops: Nonviolent Communication and Conflict Resolution And maybe some of the material on nonviolent communication referenced there before you start solving these crossword puzzles, but you can also just dive right in. You can also enter "list of feelings" or "list of needs" in your internet search engine, or look at and /needs.
Crossword puzzle Emotions when needs are not being meet (small)
Crosswords puzzle Emotions when needs are being meet (small)
Emotional Crossword
Crossword Puzzle about Underlying Needs
Needs small crossword puzzle
Svenskt Korsord om underliggande behov
An invitation to meander through an inquiry on nonviolent communication, conflict resolution made of collages, drawings, references, readings and personal or collective experiences by Åke Sjöberg
References and Workshops: Nonviolent Communication and Conflict Resolution
References and Workshops: Nonviolent Communication and Conflict Resolution
Diary: Radical Emotional Honesty as a Feminist Tool
Collage: NonViolent Communication, Conflict Resolution and Mediation
Samples: NonViolent Communication Crossword Puzzles